- Wash and iron all the clothes in the hamper.
- Cut up all my veg as Patrick recommended.
- Cook up a mess of carbs and measure them out for Wed, Thurs, Fri and Sat.
- Boil many eggs.
- Get to bed early.
It's about building systems, so that when classes start in a couple weeks I'll not be overwhelmed with the added responsibilities.
Here is a recipe for your night time snack. Pour your alloted milk into a measuring cup. Add your alloted grams of fruit in blueberries to the measuring cup. Enjoy.

If you're like me, you're already looking for food ideas that aren't 160g of carrots. Check out 101 Simple Salads for inspiration, there are some good ideas in there, even if they do need rebalancing for PCP. And, of course, we'll have to hold off anything with prosciutto because long term gain is worth some short term sacrifice. I think I might try #68 with some good sourdough and pasta on the side for carbs tonight or tomorrow.
Heh heh. Easily the most straightforward recipe ever posted. Nice work.