Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 51 - Beautiful Day

I love the fall. It's true. I don't have much use for the sweltering heat of summer and when it comes to an end it just brings me such joy. This week we transitioned from shorts weather to jean weather and I could not be happier. A nice crisp breeze is blowing and the sky seems clearer from the cold.

The workout have been really kicking my butt this week, I cannot do 4 full sets of dips and end up going back to propping my legs up for the last set every time. I'm getting there and it is nice to feel that comforting soreness the next day.

I had my indulgence last week before we even had permission. After being up past midnight reading about structural violence and other cheerful topics, I left the house in a rush without having breakfast. As my stomach fed on itself I decided I had to eat something, so, like an idiot I pulled into Wendy's. Their options were limited, as you can imagine. You know, McDonalds gets a lot of crap for being unhealthy, but at least they make an effort. Wendy's and Burger King have embrased the fact they sell you crap that will kill you (esp. BK) and they're not targeted nearly as much. Almost makes you feel bad for Ronald McDonald. Almost. Anyway, I got a fried chicken biscut thing.

There is a book I like, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell. In it a character comes out from under a spell and it is described as they had a piece of opaque glass covering every aspect of his life and it was suddenly broken. Without exaggeration that is how I felt after eating that chicken, only opposite. Everything was slow and my thoughts were cloudy. I'm sure lack of sleep didn't help, but wow it was amazing what an effect it had. I would of been better off losing the kcals and being hungry until lunch.

Daisy is being a total spaz, so I have to take her on a run. Welcome to the new crew! Keep up the work everyone.


  1. Crazy that one chicken biscuit could wreak such mayhem, and that you would feel it so strongly! Was it tasty at least?

  2. Yeah, the lack of sleep would be a factor in the whole equation, but I'm sure the fried chicken biscuit thing really made your body feel crappy. Not only is it fried, but I'm shuddering to even contemplate the salt level in that thing!

    Keep up the good work!

  3. Yuck. But at least you learned a lesson from the chicken biscuit adventure. Those things are the devil!
