Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 55

Rough Draft done and sent, final word count 11,470, 45 pages in word. Whew. Now I sit here for a couple of weeks and be nervous. But at least the ball is rolling.

Thanks for all the comments about the pull-ups. It was good to hear. A lot of times I look at the sheet and read the emails and think everyone else is powering through every set and every rep just like the picture. Not very realistic I guess. It is still frustrating because I could do more last week, but I also went on a egg hiatus with no other protein to substitute, so that's what I get.

Anyone else hate timed jumps? As long as we're being honest? My final couple of sets are like "jump...pant...pant...pant....jump...pant pant pant..." I know the goal is to improve, but it is quite a transition from knocking down 150 sets to having to just keep going until my watch beeps.


  1. Okay, I'll be the "anti-Mike". ;-) I'm absolutely loving the timed jumps. For me, the key to the timed jumps is to play with it.

    My first set usually just plain jumps to warm myself up. It's the most boring thing and it makes the time go soooooo slowly.

    The following sets I start mixing it up and practicing some new jumping techniques. They're not perfect, I get tangled quite a bit, and quickly moving jump rope stings like the dickens when it hits skin!

    So I try things like: 5x jump, 5x right foot, 5x jump, 5x left foot, 5x jump; or alternating 5x jump, 1x front-cross; or alternating left and right foot jumps; or alternating 5x jump, 5x double-cross.

    I don't worry about doing the jumps smoothly. Eventually I'll get there, but as Patrick says, even a trip counts. But playing around with the different jump styles really helps make the time fly for me.

  2. As I moved over to post the comment, I thought, hmmm. I actually much prefer the timed jumps. I set my phone stopwatch to the time, and for some reason the whole thing is soo much smoother.
    I am clearly not as coordinated as E, and have never done anything other then jump jump jump. Perhaps I'll try again today-but somehow ( and trust me, I am not saying it is easy, I just love the smoothness of the reg jump.
