Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 72

After my freakout, E said something very important about the "food" vs food situation. Basically that real food costs more than "food products". This is to be expected, virtually everything of a higher quality costs more in any market. However, it is important to remember that many "food" products cost less because the American tax payers are subsidizing them. That poor family that can't afford real food, pays for it anyway through their taxes.

What is fascinating to me is this discussion lately about a sin tax on high calorie "foods". Just to make this clear, the Feds are going to pay the manufacturers to produce HFCS and then charge the consumer for enjoying it. All in the name of saving us from ourselves. And I have yet to hear ANYONE suggest just getting rid of the subsidy - which would also cause the prices of these products to rise and have a similar expected change in demand.

Anyway, I failed HARD at the PCP this week. The conference was 13 hours or so a day of being "on", since I both attended and (slightly) helped run the thing. That led to some really questionable food choices (mozzarella sticks and beer) and not working out. Every time I get on a roll I let some environmental change take away all the gains. Very annoying.


  1. Interesting stuff, Mike. Have you ever watched "Food, Inc.?" I haven't yet, but it sounds relevant to what you're talking about here.

  2. Get back on track man and have a good finish. Mozzerrella sticks and beer ain't no thing.

  3. Hey Mike, common get back on track. Even I have been having a bit of digression with the diet but the workout, i make it a point to get through it.

  4. I'm struggling with the whole mentality of "if I didn't do today perfectly, then what's the point?" am trying not to let this sabotage my journey. hang tough, let's get through it. and thanks for your honesty.
