Saturday, October 17, 2009

Day 78

Back before this whole PCP thing, every couple of weeks I would eat my "mediterranean dinner". They're always talking on the news about the benefits of a mediterranean diet, right? Well, this is not that diet.

My version was pretty basic. I would get a nice salami or other spiced meat, some good cheese, some olives, maybe a loaf of sourdough and that would be my dinner. Let's break it down: fat and salt, fat and salt and salt. But it was tasty. So, even though I indulged when I blew it last week, I had this dinner last night.

I bought some chorizo, some jarlsberg, a peppered salami, some of the really stinky briney minced garlic stuffed olives and a bag of those high end honey dijon potato chips. I sliced the meats and cheese and arranged everything all nice on the plate and ate till I was full. Which was sooner than it would of been months ago.

I felt fine afterwords, very warm as my body went into overdrive trying to process the fats. And I was very thirsty, but no big disasters or anything. I know after the indulgences we're supposed to say "oh no, I could feel it clogging my heart and I started to pass out." I have no doubt that people have that experience, but I didn't. Likely because I haven't been 100% on diet.

What I did learn from the experience is that, while it was good, I also would of been fine with a big salad or Emily's Asian chicken or even a tuna fish sandwich. Which are all way better than me than salami and potato chips. So, even though my laziness is going to keep me from being all PCP hyper-ripped, I did break some really deep down food cravings during all this.

And now, back to revising that damn thesis.

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