Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 45 - Halfway Point Movie

Woah, someone filmed my subconscious yelling at Patrick, who is oddly enough is played by an African-American woman:

And the remix:

Anyway, been working the PCP at about 80% capacity lately, which is weak because it's just the Condition Project. It is working, I'm getting in shape and feeling stronger. I managed to knock out 300 jumps without stopping - which is a new record. I don't know how Anshuman does 286,513,456 in a row every time. Sorry for being slack on the blog, but they expect me to work at work all of the sudden so my putzing online time is more restricted.

Okay, time for bed to get my solid seven before a morning workout.


  1. LMFAO. "I don't want to make a deal anymore!" The subconscious IS exactly like that.

  2. Hey Mike ! Work is hectic for all of us and everyday when i come home i am so tempted to skip the workout but somehow i just keep my head down and make it through and it feels so good at the end of it, i can't tell you. At days i finish with my workout around mid-night. Keep at it bro !!
