Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 61

Jessica, reaching muscle failure is easy. In my first set I do exactly how many of whatever Patrick demands. The max reps if he gives a range. The second set I do the same. The third usually is a fight to get to the minimum reps. The fourth and/or fifth involve a lot of shaking, grunting and getting as many reps in before I drop the band or fall on my face. With floorjumps it means I make a jumping motion, but the distance I leave the ground is roughly the thickness of two human hairs.

I know when I reach muscle failure when I can't drink my post work-out milk because the mug is too heavy to bring up to my mouth. From your day 60 post you're already reaching what I call muscle failure, which makes me wonder if I'm not really reaching muscle failure. Am I failing at failing?


  1. LOL! Guys, you're killing me here!

    Succeeding means failing, and if you're failing at failing then you're succeeding.

    My goodness. I think there's a koan in there somewhere.

  2. That not being able to lift the mug thing means you failed pretty good. Maybe Jessica is just really really strong. Have we ever seen a picture of her in scale? Perhaps she's 8 feet tall or something.

    You're failing like a pro Mike, keep going!

  3. Mike, the image of not being able to lift the milk mug just made me laugh out loud...and sort of want to cry a little since I know it's coming....

  4. O.k., so I think we learned a valuable lesson here: we both fail. :D I just needed to revise my definition a little. And yes, I am very tall, over 6 feet! Just kidding, I'm short. Short but FIERCE!
