Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 17 - Mike's Monday Morning Motivational Movie (with weekend notes)

This one is short and simple, but this ad gets me going. Maybe because it reminds me of my youth playing in Onondaga Park, climbing trees and making BMX ramps out of whatever we could find. But there is something of the PCP in this video, because these kids are making due with what they can find. They're doing what they like to do without hundreds of dollars in equipment and specialized clothing. We're doing the same here, we're not buying bowflexes or spending money on special PX90 dvds to get in shape. We're using playground monkey bars, dining room tables and door jams. I also love the shot of the boy growling or the girl one showing her elbow scrape. I mean, aren't we doing the same in our weekly pictures?

Onto to PCP update: The lack of schedule on the weekend continues to be a challenge. I lazed about Saturday morning leading to a total reshuffling of my meals to later in the day. After trying to adopt a doggie, we ended up eating out for my "lunch" around 5pm. I got a steak salad and ate a pile of the complementary bread to try get close to my carb count. Luckily the place we went to had a massive enough portion that I was able to take half home and still have enough protein for my dinner. I have to say, I am loving these unlimited vegetables, but the carbs are killing me.

Sunday was another story. Before the PCP began Emily and I had planned to drive out to Amish Country and go for a 50km bike ride. It was fun and the scenery was amazing, complete with covered bridges and horses pulling buggies. However, the course was hilly and the heat was blazing. And, as with all organized rides, the crowd made it difficult to get a decent rhythm. I was disappointed to find my legs dead after about 20 miles. I had thought 800 j-ropes easily equaled 30 miles of riding, and boy was I wrong. By the end of the ride I was d-o-n-e done.

Our entry fee entitled us to a free Subway sandwich, which I gladly ate in about 20 seconds. I'm sure the salami and pepperoni on the italian sub were far from PCP-approved, but I had seriously underestimated how wiped out I would be at the end of this ride. Still not really seeing the promised energy boost, but it is early. More on that tomorrow, I think.

The work outs haven't been that bad, although I did switch today's and yesterday's, just had the sheets in the wrong order. I am getting stronger since I was able to (barely) complete 3 sets of 4 pull-ups. When I tried last week I maxed out at one set of two. I also got super lucky with Patrick saying we could occasionally replace our jumpropes with another cardio exercise yesterday. After that ride I came home, ate an egg white and slept for about two hours. I then sat around trying to psych myself into doing the workout. Literally as I was copying down the (wrong) workout the email came in. I'm pretty sure I couldn't of cleared the rope, so I was glad to get the reprieve.

Looks like everyone else is moving right along, although Anshuman is destroying his house and E is coming close. Jessica is communicating in comics fulltime now (which is awesome) and Amy is jacking other people's inspirations. What a crew. Keep getting it done everyone.


  1. Stay on track and keep those protein portions LEAN man. Where's the fish?

    Great video. My dream is to put workout gyms and fad diet-gadgets out of business. Every PCPer is one more nail in Bow-flex's coffin.

  2. I had salmon last night and chicken tonight. Friday was tuna and sometime last week was another salmon. Shrimps made it in last week too. Don't worry, fish is making it in too. :)
