Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 25 - Monkey Mind

Yesterday I did nearly 600 jumps without catching my foot once. This is, for me, a sort of miracle. So I started mentally writing a post about how I was able to do all of my jumps without a single trip because of my new just-socks-no-shoes style. And, you guessed it, my foot caught.

So, a little deflated, I started again to jump, paying strict attention to the spot on the wall I stare at and counting away. And in the mid-900s I start thinking about how if I don't pay attention to my jumps it causes me to trip. So I start composing a post in my head about how I trip if I don't pay attention to my jumps and...


I trip.

The moral of the story? Forget the blog, pay attention to the jumps. As they say in the Hagakure (via Ghost Dog), "this understanding extends to all things."

1 comment:

  1. Hagakure? Horse latitudes? I like it. Oh, btw, think I will just put up a Gold's Gym pull up bar. No garage..thanks for the suggestion though. :)
