Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day Eight

So, that's what I figured, a lot more food. Already my schedule is out of wack on the eating. I'm thinking it will be easier on the weekdays when I'm at the desk all day. Work out took sometime to get through, just a lot more. Tired now. Hope everyone else is glad to go to bed full, good luck tomorrow AM.

Also, thanks for the advice, but you guys are better at counting than I am, my trouble is keeping track during the set. My mind kind of wanders off and then I'm like "crap, was that 60 or 70"?


  1. That slip happens with me sometimes. I would just be conservative. It is added effort but feels good and I am sure if you start going in loops .. 60 .. 69 .. 60 .. 69 .. 60 .. 69, the amount of pain/anger your body will go through counting will automatically fall in place next time around. :)

  2. Within my sets of 100 jump ropes, I count in sets of 10. So 1-10 and then I kind of shout (either actually or in my head) 10! and then do 1-9, shout 20! and if I lose my place so to speak I try to remember which "decade" i shouted last. and if I truly can't recall I do an extra set of 10 just to make it up just in case. What is 10 more? If anything it could work in your favor, right? ;)

    this is what I have found works for me, but obviously you just have to find whatever association works for you. Counting is a bitch sometimes. Good luck!

    p.s. I noticed now I tend to get tired from 60-80, and I do my most trips in the 600-800 sets.

  3. I have the same problem now, and did the same thing Anshuman did-not the extra 73 from the other day :) but an additional 10 or so. Now, in stead of counting in sets, I counted by 100 which was easier for me. Anyway-more importantly-the food thing is tough-the timing and qty. Realizing quickly that a menu may be the way to go to avoid the hunger and then scramble to create a meal with all the components.
    Will try that this week...

  4. I usually count up to 50 with no problem. Then I have to take a break so I can stop wheezing. I follow it with another 50, and so on.
